About the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

The EU Inclusive Open Strategic Autonomy Centre (IOSAC) is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence financed by the European Commission at the Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy. The IOSAC intends to be a European hub for cutting-edge research, teaching and policy analysis to manage a policy tradeoff that the EU currently faces. The European Union aims to maintain and increase its trade competitiveness in a fast, changing global context, characterized by a tendency towards strategic autonomy and geopolitical tensions, while ensuring inclusive outcomes of trade within Europe and the Mediterranean area. Against this backdrop, Italy, due to its geographical position and political tradition, can play an important role. The centre will (1) be the central node of transnational links with academic institutions in core and Mediterranean European countries, (2) gather top notch expertise to design inclusive EU trade and industrial policies and support a twin transition that does not leave behind the Mediterranean region, (3) make such expertise multidisciplinary, and focused on Europe, (4) ensure public outreach to relevant stakeholders and civil society.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Luiss Guido Carli. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


The Centre of Excellence is a key hub for cutting-edge research, teaching and policy analysis, gathering expertise from within the University, as well as external partners to create new research collaborations, to design inclusive EU trade and industrial policies in line with the EU’s priorities of an open strategic autonomy. It will produce Working Papers, Policy Briefs, and 5-bullet points that will reflect the concept of EU inclusive strategic autonomy and disseminate the EU-IOSAC activity. It will foster collaboration across scholars from within the University and its external partners through several initiatives: Seminar Series, two international Workshops “European and Global Value Chains” and “The European Union’s Response to Global Geo-economic Competition”. It will also foster young scholars’ research activity through the Jo Cox Fellowship to host visiting young scholars and the Jean Monnet Scholarship to support Master students during their dissertation or internship in European institutions. There will be one edition of the Italian Trade Study Group (ITSG) annual conference, discussing GVC reconfiguration and inclusive trade.


The Centre has designed and launched new teaching activities aimed at students both within the University and from other Universities, as well as policymakers.


PhD Summer School

“Very multi-disciplinary, very interesting and high-level, very stimulating and on the edge of the academic debate.”

–  “Great professors!”

–  “The content was very relevant for my current and future research.”

PhD Summer School on European Industrial, Innovation and Trade Policy in the Era of Strategic Autonomy

In the current geopolitical scenario defined by stark challenges and the rapid evolution of global economic dynamics, the concept of open strategic autonomy, championed by the European Union, underscores the imperative for strategic independence and at the same time allows the EU to remain open to global cooperation and competition. As Europe navigates this multifaceted landscape, the integration of diverse perspectives from innovation studies, international economics, and industrial policy becomes essential. To provide the necessary training to PhD Students and early career researchers, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on European Inclusive Open Strategic Autonomy (EU-IOSAC) at the Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP), in partnership with the University of Strasbourg and UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, organized a PhD Summer School on European Industrial, Innovation and Trade Policy in the Era of Strategic Autonomy from June 3 to June 7, 2024. The lectures attracted the participation of 16 students from various parts if the world. The “Global value chains in Europe” EU-IOSAC Inaugural Workshop concluded the school.



Alessandro Borin

Tommaso Ciarli

Donato Di Carlo

Andre Lorentz

Bart Los

Valentina Meliciani

Roberta Piermartini

Maria Savona

Ariel Wirkierman

Dimitri Zurstrassen 


Gordon Abeiku Mensah

Darlington Agbonifi

Guillermo Andres Alpizar

Antonio Vicencio Betanzo

Onur Biyik


Vittoria Di Marcantonio

Cigdem Ekiz

Michal Hrubý

Loreta Isaraj

Nuraillev Karamat

Xuelai Li

Huseyn Mammadov

Camilla Mola

Jacob Nitschke

Hamed Rahmani

Slides from the lectures:

Alessandro Borin

Dimitri Zurstrassen

Tommaso Ciarli

Bart Los

Roberta Piermartini


International Policy Workshop “Europe and the changing geoeconomics of North Africa”
The workshop will be organised in partnership with the Luiss School of Government’s Mediterranean Platform and two external partners, namely EMAE and CRENOS. It will gather academics, policy makers and practitioners working on the relationship between the European Union and North Africa. This workshop will be essential as a platform gathering experts and policy makers with a view to reflecting together on possible policy options and responses from an EU perspective.

Citizen Jury
The citizen jury will gather a between 15 and 20 citizens from all walks of life to discuss the topic of “European policies to make globalisation inclusive”. The citizens will attend presentations provided by scholars and policy practitioners working with EUIOSAC, they will then be asked to discuss a broad question in smaller groups and provide their policy recommendation. Students will also be involved.

Each month the EU-IOSAC will publish a newsletter publicising the most relevant events and work of the faculty involved with EU-IOSAC. It will present the latest and upcoming event and initiatives, whose material will then be made available on the European Economic Policy web archive.

Podcast series
EU-IOSAC will publish an IOSAC-podcast series on the topic “How to shape Inclusive Trade with neighboring Mediterranean countries”. This will consist of one podcast for each year of the project with scholars from both the EU-IOSAC and its external partners – notably Roma Tre University, Confindustria and the LUISS Mediterranean Platform. Each podcast will build on the experience and expertise of the invited speakers and will look at three broad topics:
1. The changing geopolitics in the Mediterranean.

2. The restructuring of GVCs and business opportunities in the Mediterranean.

3. Digital technologies in Europe and employment.

EU-ISOAC Website
The EU-IOSAC will have its own ad-hoc section on the LUISS website where relevant information on the background, activity and faculty of the Centre will be made available to the public. Furthermore, the website will also host the European Economic Policy web archive, collecting all the written material produced by the project.

Web archive
This section constitutes the European Economic Policy web archive of materials concerning EU economic policy (with a focus on Innovation and Trade). It will allow all target groups to freely access a unique tool, which, being a significant source of knowledge and information for the public at large, can facilitate studies on the effects of European economic policy on citizens and firms of Member States. The archive will include all working papers, policy briefs and five bullet points produced by the Centre, as well as the teaching material from the modules and summer school that will be made freely available to all interested parties. It will also provide links to the podcast series and the agendas of all events.



Call for EU-IOSAC Working Papers/Policy Briefs

CALLS (December 2023)

The winner of the fellowship is Ariel L. Wirkierman (research proposal).

The winner of the scholarship is Sofia Nunzi (research proposal).