
Our publications aim to provide in-depth information on issues that are at the forefront of the European agenda, including commentary, research, and policy recommendations.

LEAP produces policy briefs, working papers, five bullets and a monthly newsletter. All publications are available online.

Policy Briefs

I. Angeloni, C. Bastasin, L. Bini Smaghi, V. Meliciani, S. Micossi, P. C. Padoan, P. Parascandolo: La crisi del gas rafforza l’esigenza di politiche economiche in linea con le raccomandazioni europee

Dopo la ragguardevole crescita del Prodotto interno lordo ottenuta grazie anche all’azione di politica economica del g...

August 29, 2022

L. Bini Smaghi: Scudo anti-spread e politica monetaria

Che differenza c’è tra lo scudo anti-spread varato dieci anni fa, dopo il famoso “Whatever it takes” pronunciato ...

August 2, 2022

C. Bastasin: Draghi’s resignation and a new – more clever – Fiscal Compact

Italy’s political instability resurfaced on July 14 when Prime Minister Mario Draghi presented his resignation to the ...

July 18, 2022

C. De Vincenti – Green Investments: Two Possible Interpretations of the “Do No Significant Harm” Principle

The concrete implementation of the Next Generation EU strategy and the recent emergence of energy security problem have ...

July 11, 2022

C. Bastasin: Europe cannot be strong if fragmentation risks linger in the euro area

Officially, the fragmentation risks of the euro area – or the extreme divergence of financial conditions in member sta...

June 15, 2022

F. Bontadini, V. Meliciani, M. Savona, A. Wirkierman: Nearshoring and Farsharing in Europe within the Global Economy

Has the world economy really entered a phase of de-globalisation or deceleration in globalisation after the great recess...

June 10, 2022

C. Bastasin: Europe should not encourage the “China vs the US” bipolarity

Deglobalization does not forcedly mean less multilateralism. This is how Europe should think about the likely coming bip...

May 10, 2022

C. Bastasin: Post-war global supply chains – Europe must defend economic cooperation

The European Union is the most open trading area in the world. Changes in the flows of imports and exports have a more p...

April 10, 2022

C. Bastasin: How Italy was about to be excluded from the euro – A behind-the-scenes reconstruction of a historical event

Helmut Kohl’s request, even before saying goodbye, took me completely by surprise: “Tell me about your famil...

March 29, 2022

Working Papers

A. Macchiati, R. Vitelli: Mercati del gas e transizione energetica

L’aumento dei prezzi del gas e, conseguentemente dell’energia elettrica, registrato inizialmente nell’ultimo trime...

April 4, 2022

J. Bonchi, S. Nisticò: Heterogeneity, Bubbles and Monetary Policy

Using a tractable New Keynesian model with heterogeneous agents, we analyze the interplay between heterogeneity and rati...

February 8, 2022

M. Amato, F. Saraceno: Squaring the circle – How to guarantee fiscal space and debt sustainability with a European Debt Agency

This paper contributes to the debate on European macroeconomic governance. What is at stake is creating fiscal space for...

January 19, 2022

P. Benigno, P. Canofari, G. Di Bartolomeo, M. Messori: The Implementation and Rationale of the ECB’s New Inflation Target

In July 2021, the ECB’s target was revised, specifying that the 2% inflation rate threshold should be applied symm...

November 8, 2021

F. Bontadini, R. Evangelista, V. Meliciani, M. Savona – Asymmetries in global value chain integration, technology and employment structures in Europe: Country and sectoral evidence

This paper provides empirical evidence on the complex role played by technology in affecting the relationship between th...

November 8, 2021

P. Esposito, V. Larocca, M. Messori, M. Mischitelli – Bank-based or Market-based financial sources: Which is better for the EU?

This paper examines the relationships between the financial structure and the economicperformance of non-financial corpo...

November 8, 2021

P. Benigno, P. Canofari, G. Di Bartolomeo, M. Messori: Financial Dominance in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic European Economy

Differently from past episodes, the European institutions responded to the pandemic shock with an appropriate policy mix...

October 4, 2021

P. Nicolaides – The Dispute-Settlement Provisions of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Are they Adequate for the Task?

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom has established new institutions a...

September 23, 2021

A. Erce, E. Mallucci, M. Picarelli: A Journey in the History of Sovereign Defaults on Domestic Law Public Debt

We introduce a novel database on sovereign defaults that involve public debt in- struments governed by domestic law. By ...

September 22, 2021

Monthly Briefs

Five Bullets

Europe: Facts & Docs

This section contains policy documents, meeting summaries and news that come directly from the EU institutions.

Reducing inflation – Interview with Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB – October 8, 2023

Read the transcript...

October 10, 2023

Towards an orderly transition – Opening remarks by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, at the joint IEA-ECB-EIB High-Level International Conference on “Ensuring an orderly energy transition: Europe’s competitiveness and financial stability in a period of global energy transformation” – September 29, 2023

Read the transcript...

September 29, 2023

A Mediterranean Odyssey: from ancient origins to future strength – Speech by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, September 21, 2023

Read the transcript...

September 25, 2023

NextGenerationEU: Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility firmly underway – September 19, 2023

Read the press release...

September 20, 2023

2023 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen – September 13, 2023

Read the transcript...

September 14, 2023

ECB Press Conference – September 14, 2023

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September 14, 2023

Communication and monetary policy – Speech by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, September 4, 2023

Read the transcript...

September 5, 2023

Europe needs to think bigger to build its capital markets union – Fabio Panetta, member of the ECB’s Executive Board – August 30, 2023

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August 31, 2023

Policymaking in an age of shifts and breaks – Speech by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB – August 25, 2023

Read the transcript...

August 28, 2023


LEAP sends out occasional newsletters containing fellowship opportunities, application calls, updates, and news.































2021 - 2022