
Our publications aim to provide in-depth information on issues that are at the forefront of the European agenda, including commentary, research, and policy recommendations.

LEAP produces policy briefs, working papers, five bullets and a monthly newsletter. All publications are available online.

Policy Briefs

D. Di Carlo, F. Genovese: Calling Snap Elections against Populists in the EU? Playing with Fire!

June’s elections tilted the European Parliament significantly to the right. The most shocking result was the National ...

June 25, 2024

C. Bastasin: Will the French elections deliver a German Europe?

In a famous speech in 1953, Thomas Mann, a towering figure of German and world literature, called on the Germans to resi...

June 19, 2024

C. Bastasin: The paradox of the European vote

In a few days, we will know the outcome of the elections for the European Parliament. The results will be carefully anal...

June 5, 2024

C. Bastasin: Può la riforma costituzionale italiana mettere a rischio l’euro?

Governi politici “di parte” potranno garantire solidità finanziaria all’Italia nell’euro? La proposta di riform...

May 13, 2024

L. Codogno: Italy’s economic miracle is in the eyes of the beholder

Italy’s overperformance relative to France and Germany since the pandemic needs to be put into perspective. Indeed, if...

May 9, 2024

C. Bastasin – Europe’s polarization: from selective deafness to furious voices

Around a third of European Union citizens live in regions or provinces where the average income today is lower than it w...

March 25, 2024

C. Bastasin: Germany’s economic weakness may help strengthen the European Union

Germany’s economic weakness, highlighted by the recession in 2023 and the uncertain outlook for the current year, ...

January 30, 2024

R. Perissich: How should Europe prepare for a second Trump term (and hope it will not happen)

It has already been a front-page subject for many months. It is now becoming an obsession. The subject is the upcoming U...

January 25, 2024

C. Bastasin: Inflation, inequality and divergence in electoral year 2024

In past years, I tried on several occasions and through various publications to highlight the importance of a conceptual...

January 22, 2024

Working Papers

V. Meliciani, G. Terzo – Public welfare spending and regional well-being: an empirical analysis of Italy

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between public welfare spending and well-being, focusing on Italian NUTS-...

July 4, 2024

L. Vinhas de Souza: Caught in the Middle? China and the “Middle Income Trap”

This paper looks at the concept of a “middle income trap” and its validity for China. It finds that the fundamental ...

July 2, 2024

F. Bulfone, D. Di Carlo, F. Bontadini, V. Meliciani – Adjusting to new geopolitical realities: semiconductors industrial policy in the US and EU

After analysing strengths and weaknesses in the United States and European Union’s digital value chains, this paper co...

June 5, 2024

C. Bastasin: Southern Italy deserves special scrutiny from Europe

The issue of the economic underdevelopment of Southern Italy needs special attention in the context of European economic...

April 15, 2024

S. B. H. Faure, D. Zurstrassen – The EU Defence Industrial Strategy: the “Colbertist revolution” will have to wait

On 5 March 2024, the European Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) presented the first-ever EU Def...

March 13, 2024

O. Fontana, S. Vannuccini: How to institutionalise European industrial policy (for strategic autonomy and the green transition)

This paper presents some novel ideas on the tools and financing of a truly supranational industrial policy in the Europe...

March 8, 2024

C. Bastasin – Tecnologia Usa e mercati europei: che cosa succede alla Germania

Le difficoltà economiche della Germania hanno implicazioni rilevanti per l’assetto globale europeo. In questo studio,...

February 28, 2024

P. Guerrieri, P. C. Padoan – “European competitiveness and strategic autonomy”: The European Union and the double challenge

The European Commission released its latest package of economic security measures at the end of January 2024. It include...

February 28, 2024

A. Fabrizi, M. Gentile, G. Guarini, V. Meliciani: The impact of environmental regulation on innovation and international competitiveness

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of environmental regulation on innovation and international competiti...

February 5, 2024

Monthly Briefs

LUHNIP Monthly Brief on EU Industrial Policy – May 2024

6 May: French President Emmanuel Macron and President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen meet with Chinese ...

June 19, 2024

Monthly Brief on the Italian Political Economy – May 2024

LAST MONTH IN BRIEF 06/05 The Council of Ministers approves a Decree to support the farming and fishing sectors, includi...

June 10, 2024

LUHNIP Monthly Brief on EU Industrial Policy – April 2024

Last Month in Brief 3 April: The European Commission launches two in-depth investigations under the EU Foreign Subsidies...

May 21, 2024

Monthly Brief on the Italian Political Economy – April 2024

LAST MONTH IN BRIEF 09/04 The Ministry for Enterprises and Made in Italy organises the first technical meeting between I...

May 10, 2024

LUHNIP Monthly brief on EU Industrial Policy – March 2024

Last Month in Brief 4 March: European ministers for Environment and Energy meet in Brussels for the Transport, Telecommu...

April 23, 2024

Monthly Brief on the Italian Political Economy – March 2024

LAST MONTH IN BRIEF 05/03 — The Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) releases the national accounts da...

April 17, 2024

LUHNIP Monthly brief on EU Industrial Policy – February 2024

Last Month in Brief 1 February: The European Parliament and the Council of the EU reach a provisional agreement on the S...

March 19, 2024

Monthly Brief on the Italian Political Economy – February 2024

LAST MONTH IN BRIEF 01/02 The Minister for Regional Affairs’ Decree establishes January and February as the transition...

March 8, 2024

LUHNIP Monthly brief on EU Industrial Policy – January 2024

LAST MONTH IN BRIEF 1 January: beginning of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU 8 January: the European Comm...

February 19, 2024

Five Bullets

C. Bastasin: The war in Ukraine, fiscal rules, and the European elections

On February 26, 2024, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner proposed a moratorium on welfare spending and subsidies ...

February 29, 2024

C. Bastasin: An update on EU enlargement to include Ukraine

Next December, the EU Council is expected to announce the formal start of the accession process of Ukraine and Moldova t...

November 6, 2023

V. Meliciani, L. Policino, R. Urbani: Procurement of multilateral banks in Europe: specificities of the Italian model and policy implications

Securing World Bank procurement contracts can enhance a company’s growth perspectives due to market diversification, i...

September 19, 2023

C. Bastasin: Regole europee, la tentazione del mancato accordo

Dopo aver avviato il processo di riforma della governance economica europea nel 2020, la Commissione europea ha proposto...

April 19, 2023

C. Bastasin: Too much complacency in Europe for the US mid-term vote

1) The mid-term elections in the US were met with relief in Europe. Europeans see, in view of the 2024 presidential elec...

November 16, 2022

F. Bontadini, V. Meliciani, M. Savona, A. Wirkeirman: Nearshoring and Farsharing in Europe within the Global Economy

• The term “nearshoring” has gained significant interest in recent years, though a clear definition is still lacki...

September 27, 2022

C. Bastasin: Italy’s political uncertainty in 2023

In less than a year, the elections for the renewal of Italy’s Chambers will take place. Uncertainty is growing about t...

June 1, 2022

C. Bastasin: The reasons behind Scholz’s strong performance

• The strong performance by the Social Democratic Party (SPD) is related to the electorate’s change of heart coincid...

September 28, 2021

C. Bastasin: Can conditionality and dialogue really walk hand in hand?

After the Coronavirus hit the European population and sent the economy into hibernation, EU institutions reacted –...

July 27, 2020


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2021 - 2022