Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence established at LEAP

The EU Inclusive Open Strategic Autonomy Centre (IOSAC) is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence financed by the European Commission at the Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy. The IOSAC intends to be a European hub for cutting-edge research, teaching and policy analysis to manage a policy tradeoff that the EU currently faces. The centre will: be the central node of transnational links with academic institutions in core and Mediterranean European countries; gather top notch expertise to design inclusive EU trade and industrial policies and support a twin transition that does not leave behind the Mediterranean region; make such expertise multidisciplinary, and focused on Europe; and ensure public outreach to relevant stakeholders and civil society. Fostering collaboration across scholars from within the University and its external partners, the centre will produce Working Papers, Policy Briefs, and 5-bullet points that will reflect the concept of EU inclusive strategic autonomy and disseminate the EU-IOSAC activity.