Book presentation: “Sovereign Europe. A new Agenda for Europe in the Fragmented Global Economy” – October 8, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 15:00 - 18:00

Viale Romania 32, Aula 205 a-b and online

Welcoming remarks

Luigi Gubitosi - President, Luiss Guido Carli


Valentina Meliciani - Director, Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy – LEAP


Silvie Goulard - SDA, Bocconi School of Management

Randall Henning - American University, Washington, DC

Andrè Sapir - Senior Fellow, Bruegel


Paolo Guerrieri - PSIA, SciencesPO e Leap, Luiss

Pier Carlo Padoan - President, Unicredit


Link to watch the event remotely