Workshop: “Multinational Enterprises and Local Competencies

Friday, June 17, 2022 09:30 - 12:00

The Dome, Luiss Campus at Viale Romania 32, Rome

9:30 am Welcome of Participants

9:45 Institutional Greetings
Valentina Meliciani, Director, Luiss School of European Political Economy

9:50 Introduction
Filippo Bontadini, Research Fellow, Luiss University

10:00 Leaving the Multinational: The Likelihood and Nature of Employee Mobility from MNEs
Davide Castellani, Professor of International Business, Henley Business School

10:30 Foreign Direct Investment, Intangible Assets and Regional performance
Valentina Meliciani, Director, Luiss School of European Political Economy

11:00 Break

11:10 Intangible assets and performance in Italian multinational enterprises: composite indicators and main evidence

Alessandro Faramondi, Head of Division - Structural statistics on businesses, governmental and non-profit organizations, ISTAT

11:40 Global Value Chains, Takeovers and Market Power
Armando Rungi, Professor, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

12:10 Round Table

Antonio Majocchi, Professor of International Business, Luiss University
Andrea Linarello, Economist, Banca d’Italia
Sergio De Nardis, Senior Fellow, Luiss School of European Political Economy
Federico Eichberg, Manager, Italian Ministry of Economic Development

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