Monthly Briefs

Monthly Brief on the Italian Political Economy – June 2024


13-15/06 Italy hosts in Apulia the key event of the G7 featuring all the political leaders of the participating states. At the end of the meeting, the leaders agree on a final communiquè

19/06 Minister for Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso signs a decree to unlock €1.7 bln in NRRP funds for development contracts for net-zero, renewable, and battery technologies

19/06 The European Commission decides to launch an excessive deficit procedure against seven member states, including Italy, creating new economic tensions for Rome (see Deep Dive 1)

19/06 The Italian Parliament approves the devolution law (“Autonomia Differenziata”), giving Italian Regions the possibility to request more autonomy in certain policy domains

20/06 The council of ministers approves a decree law on critical raw materials with the goal of revitalising Italy's mining industry and enhancing the recycling of raw materials to make the Italian economy more resilient and strategically independent

20/06 The council of ministers approves the first Italian law on the space economy (see Deep Dive 2)

28/06 Italy is the first member state to send to the European Commission the payment request for the sixth NRRP instalment, worth €8.5 bln

28/06 Singaporean company Silicon Box announces it will build its €3.2 bln chiplet plant in the city of Novara (Piedmont), in the north-west of Italy (see LUHNIP March Monthly brief)

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