Our publications aim to provide in-depth information on issues that are at the forefront of the European agenda, including commentary, research, and policy recommendations.
LEAP produces policy briefs, working papers, five bullets and a monthly newsletter. All publications are available online.
Policy Briefs
E. Avgouleas, S. Micossi – On selling sovereigns held by the ECB to the ESM: Institutional and economic policy implications
This paper follows up on a CEPS Policy Insight of October 2020, in which Stefano Micossi argued that the increase in sov...
March 22, 2021
P. Nicolaides: Unprecedented State Intervention
EU Member States have granted very large amounts of state aid to counteract the impact of the covid- 19 pandemic and the...
March 3, 2021
R. Perissich: Why the EU needs a common foreign policy (and what it would take to have one)
As a result of an ill-advised military intervention by some European countries, Libya has been in a state of bloody civi...
February 28, 2021
V. Termini – Europe on the move: First steps towards a multilateral global scenario
Europe is on the move on three fronts which, in combination, are leading towards a truly extraordinary scenario. At the ...
February 24, 2021
M. Messori – The Italian recovery and resilience plan: How to take advantage of an extraordinary opportunity
In the post-pandemic period, the success of “Next generation – EU” (NG-EU) is crucial for initiating a...
January 4, 2021
C. Bastasin, L. Bini Smaghi, M. Bordignon, S. De Nardis, C. De Vincenti, V. Meliciani, M. Messori, S. Micossi, P. C. Padoan, G. Toniolo – A vision for Italy to seize a great opportunity: the choices the government must make to benefit from Next Generation-EU
The European funds of Next Generation-EU represent an unmissable opportunity to revive Italy, but also a great responsib...
December 6, 2020
C. Bastasin: Italy’s Recovery Plans require the mobilization of private savings
A more dynamic banking system and private equity actors are indispensable to prevent the high private debt from disrupti...
November 30, 2020
R. Perissich: Macron’s world view
Emmanuel Macron is a highly intelligent man and a profound, articulate thinker. He is also the President of France. Outs...
November 27, 2020
M. Buti, M. Messori – Implementing the Recovery and Resilience Plans: The Case of Italy
The exceptionality of the pandemic, its exogenous nature that has reduced the importance of the ‘moral hazard̵...
November 16, 2020
Working Papers
G. Galli: The reform of the ESM and why it is so controversial in Italy
Key Points The draft reform of the European Stability Mechanism (henceforth ESM) was not approved as scheduled at the Eu...
April 8, 2020
G. Bonaccolto, N. Borri, A. Consiglio: Breakup and Default Risks in the Eurozone
Since the burst of the sovereign debt crisis, investors perceive the concrete possibility of a breakup of the Eurozone. ...
March 11, 2020
P. Reichlin – the GIIPS Countries in the Great Recession: Was it a Failure of the Monetary Union
Drawing from the debate between the “German” and the “Keynesian” views about the reason for the Euro Area slow r...
February 28, 2020
P. C. Padoan – Growth in Europe: Notes for a policy agenda
This paper discusses topics related to the growth mechanism in Europe, and specifically in the eurozone. It looks at the...
December 1, 2019
M. Messori: The flexibility game is not worth the new ESM
The reform of the Treaty Establishing the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) broadens the functions of this mechanism so...
October 25, 2019
P. Canofari, G. Di Bartolomeo, M. Messori: Sovereign debt crisis, fiscal consolidation, and active central bankers in a monetary union
In this paper we examine global financial instability and its impact on the sovereign debts of peripheral countries in a...
October 2, 2019
M. Messori: The inevitable evolution of European financial markets
In the decades preceding the 2007-2009 international financial crisis and the related ‘doom loop’ between the Europe...
September 20, 2019
C. Battiati, C. Jona-Lasinio, S. Sopranzetti: Productivity growth and global value chain participation in the digital age
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current productivity trends and their potential drivers in the Euro ...
September 2, 2019
C. Bastasin, M. Mischitelli, G. Toniolo: Living with high public debt, Italy 1861-2018
Since 1861, Italy’s public debt has been both high and sustainable. The paper reviews the history of the Italian debt,...
June 17, 2019
Monthly Briefs
Five Bullets
Europe: Facts & Docs
This section contains policy documents, meeting summaries and news that come directly from the EU institutions.
Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: An improved outlook amid persistent challenges – May 15, 2023
Read the press release...
May 17, 2023
Interview with Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB – May 14, 2023
Read the interview...
May 17, 2023
Interview with Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB – May 10, 2023
Read the interview...
May 10, 2023
ECB: Monetary policy decisions – May 4, 2023
Read the press release...
May 8, 2023
Confidence of consumers and firms has visibly improved – Interview with ECB chief economist Philip R. Lane – April 25
Read the interview...
April 26, 2023
Banking Union: Commission proposes reform of bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework – April 18, 2023
Read the press release...
April 26, 2023
Statement by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, at the forty-seventh meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee – April 14, 2023
Read the statement...
April 17, 2023
Ensuring price stability- Interview with Philip R. Lane, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB – April 6, 2023
Read the transcript...
April 12, 2023
Conclusions from the 23 March 2023 European Council
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March 27, 2023
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