
Nuovo Patto di stabilità, le premesse sono buone (ma le proposte meno) – Ignazio Angeloni – Il Sole 24 Ore, Nov. 16

Sono uscite qualche giorno fa le proposte della Commissione Europea per la riforma del Patto di stabilità – ovvero, l......


Professor Gianni Toniolo passed away on November 13, 2022, having played an essential role in the activity of the Luiss ......

Interview with Marcello Messori – Class CNBC Report, Nov. 14

Professor Messori comments on the recently issued Italian government bonds worth 5.5 billion euros. Watch the interview ......

R. Perissich: Le tensioni tra Francia e Germania (Comment), Nov. 2

Ci risiamo. Il rapporto (motore, asse, scegliete voi il termine) franco-tedesco, che è supposto essere al centro dell&#......

Interview with Valentina Meliciani – BBC Radio, October 24

Professor Meliciani speaks about the new government headed by Giorgia Meloni and what Italy can expect from her economic......

Lectio Magistralis by Ambassador Ettore Sequi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – October 11

Luiss MEEG students were able to attend the lecture “Current and Future Challenges” by Ambassador Ettore Seq......

The Stabilizing Effect of Inflation – Daniel Gros – Project Syndicate, October 6

With inflation spiking and governments’ debt ratios soaring, one might conclude that a financial crisis is imminen......

A central fiscal capacity to tackle stagflation – Marco Buti and Marcello Messori – VoxEU, October 3

In the past year, there have been many calls for a permanent central fiscal capacity at the EU or euro area level. This ......

Giorgia Meloni ha bisogno dell’Unione europea – Riccardo Perissich – Affari Internazionali, 3 ottobre

L’inquietudine per i risultati delle elezioni italiane, pervade comprensibilmente tutte le capitali occidentali e le i......

What Italy and the world expect from Giorgia Meloni – Ferdinando Nelli Feroci – Huffington Post

Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the Brothers of Italy, appears to be aware of the distrust that surrounds her. And she has......