FAQ Luiss School of European Political Economy Student Office

Application and Enrolment

Who can apply?

Graduate students or students completing their degree.

If you want to submit your application for a Course/Master, you can check the mandatory requirements
specified in the call for applications of the program of your choice. All active calls are available on the
page dedicated to the educational offer of the School of European political Economy.

For further information, please contact the School of reference at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

I am a graduating student, how should I proceed in this phase?

You can still apply for an academic program if you are a graduating student and will complete your
Bachelor's/Master's degree in the academic year 2020/2021 (extraordinary graduation session March-
April 2022).

For more information on the access requirements for the course/Master of your interest, you can contact
the main School at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

How do I apply for the Course /Master of my choice?

In order to apply, you must complete the online application form on the page of the Course/Master of
your choice. To correctly apply, all the mandatory documents indicated in the call for the application of
the course/Master must be submitted.

All requirements are available through the Program Page of the School of European Political Economy.

We recommend you filling out the form to submit your application using the Google Chrome browser.

If you have problems sending your application, you can contact the School at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

What do I do after applying?

Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an automatic e-mail confirming the
submission has been successful. In case you don’t receive the automatic e-mail, we recommend
checking your spam inbox.

In the following weeks, you will be contacted by the Student Office for the following steps of the
admission process, including the admission interview, if applicable.

Each application will receive formal feedback via e-mail.

For every communication, the Student Office will use the e-mail address provided in the
application form. Communications by mobile or mail are not expected.

If you do not receive the e-mail confirming the successful submission of the application, you can
always contact the main School at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

What happens if I am admitted?

If you have been admitted to the Master/course, you will receive two emails.

In the first email, sent by the ref. School, you will find the documents to finalize the enrollment
and the payment information with the details of the relative deadlines.

In the second email, sent by luissguidocarli@luiss.it, you will find the credentials to access the
Web Self Service services. We advise you to check the Spam box of your e-mail, in case of non-

All communications will be sent to the e-mail provided during the online application form.

If you do not receive the credentials for accessing the Web Self Service services, you can contact
the main School at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

How can I check my administrative position?

You can always check if your administrative position is regular by accessing the payments section of your
personal Web Self Service page (Menu> Subscriptions> Payments). The green light beside each
instalment will indicate that the payment has been correctly received/registered.

The enrollment can be considered finalized once the original enrollment documents have been received
by the Student Office in charge, and after the payment of the entire first instalment.

I have lost my Web Self Service credentials; how can I retrieve them?

If you have lost or forgotten your login credentials for the Web Self Service, please contact the School at
the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

I paid the first instalment via MAV but the payment is not on the Web Self Service yet. What should I

The bank flow can take up to four working days to be received. We kindly ask you to wait a few days and
to check your position again by accessing the payments section of your Web Self Service (Menu >
Subscriptions> Payments). The green light next to the payment will indicate that it has been correctly

If the payment has still not been registered, please check first with your bank to verify the correct
execution of the operation.


Non-EU citizens must apply for a student VISA at the Italian Diplomatic/Consular Mission near
his/her/your place of residence.

We remind you that is mandatory to complete the online pre-enrollment for the issuance of the VISA via
the UNIVERSITALY portal.

Once the pre-enrollment has been completed, the student/you can finalize the visa application at the
competent Diplomatic-Consular offices of their jurisdiction.

Please note that all the documents required to apply for a VISA are issued by Luiss Guido Carli after the
completion of the enrollment at the Course/Master of choice, including the payment of the first

For information and updates, please contact the relevant Student Office:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

Teaching Methods

Will the classes be online or in presence?

Information about the lectures can be found in the Competition Notice of the ref. Course/Master,
available at the page dedicated to the educational offer of the School of European political Economy.

I am a student starting a Course/Master

If you have correctly sent/delivered the enrollment documents and paid the first instalment, you will be
successfully enrolled. Before the start of the Course/Master, you will receive an e-mail with instructions
for the creation of your Luiss student account and, one week before the beginning of the lessons, you will
receive further instructions on how to access all Luiss Services.

Account and platforms

Information about the Course/Master will be available on the Luiss Learn platform. To access this
platform, you need to create your Luiss account.

What is the Luiss account for?

The Luiss account is essential: it is necessary to access your Luiss e-mail (where you will receive all
communication from the University) and the Office 365 cloud services.

With your Luiss account, you can also access the university's Wi-Fi network and the PCs of the computer
labs. Furthermore, the account is also necessary/required to access the Luiss Learn platform, the virtual
classrooms on WebEx and the remote access services of the library.

How can I create my Luiss account?

Please go to https://account.luiss.it/create/Account/Login and enter the "Web Self Service"
credentials you received.

You will have to confirm your personal data, enter an alternative email and a telephone number.
The resulting e-mail address will be as follows name.surname@studenti.luiss.it
In case an e-mail with your name already exists, you will be provided with alternative options.

If you have lost or forgotten your login credentials for Web Self Service, you can contact the
School at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it

What is the Luiss Learn platform?

Luiss Learn is the e-learning platform that will follow the student throughout the entire
academic program, including all teaching material of the Course/Master. Details for accessing
Luiss Learn will be provided at least one week before the start of the classes.

How can I log in to Luiss Learn?

To access the platform at https://learn.luiss.it. it is necessary to activate your Luiss e-mail
account and set up Keyless.

Finally, to enter the program page, please go to https // learn.luiss.it, click on the top right
corner “Students Keyless and Luiss accounts Login” and then on “Facial recognition for

If you encounter any problems, please contact IT Support at helpdesk@luiss.it

Further inquieries

Should you need further information, please contact the Student Office at the following address:
School of European Political Economy - sep@luiss.it